Unlearning Oppression
Teaching for Racial Justice and Social Change : Beyond Ordinary "Diversity" Training
Abbazero and Swan Keyes provide workshops, seminars, public presentations and consulting for unlearning oppression, offering tools and insights for personal, professional, and social transformation and inclusive community-building.

abbazero | metaphysican
Abbazero is a Nigerian Jamaican Jewish bush doctor (known in the West as a shaman or ritual /ceremonial leader). Having studied spiritual traditions and political movements all over the world, he travels extensively, teaching and leading rituals, ceremonies and seminars.

swan keyes | psychotherapist
Swan Keyes is a psychotherapist, consultant, and educator dedicated to dismantling white supremacy and other forms of oppression. She delivers trainings, lectures and workshops, specializing in helping white people investigate their white cultural conditioning to become more effective at interrupting oppression, building healthy communities, and advocating for social change. For over 15 years she has served as a senior teacher in the UNtraining, a program for untraining white liberal racism, and has led workshops for colleges and institutions on unlearning racism, sexism, heterosexism, classism and other oppressions.
Workshops, presentations and consultation services. Contact for more information.
Clients have included:
University of California School of Social Work
Occidental College
Sarah Lawrence College
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
San Francisco State University
California Institute of Integral Studies
New College of California
Pacific School of Religion
University of Michigan
University of Wisconsin
The Wright Institute
Laney College
Merritt College
North American Students of Cooperation
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center
Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley;
and numerous others engaged in social change and racial justice work